
While my website is under renovation, I have provided a snapshot of my services below. You can also learn more about my experience and background at: https://www.linkedin.com/in/carolynspigel/

I am based in Washington DC and available to travel. For coaching services, I am available by video-conferencing and in-person. If you would like to start a conversation to discuss your needs and explore if my background may be a good fit for you, please email me at carolyn@spigelcoaching.com to set up a time to speak. I look forward to speaking with you.

About Me…

I am a collaborative, results-oriented executive coach and consultant who leverages my professional training in psychology, leadership, and organization development to my clients’ strategic advantage. Over the past 25 years, I have built a reputation for skillfully coaching senior and emerging leaders from diverse cultures, industries, and generations in developing key strategic and personal leadership skills necessary to lead employees through organizational change.

I have held organization and talent development positions for companies including Morgan Stanley Capital International, American Management Systems, JPMorgan Chase, Wolters Kluwer, and Revlon. As a consultant, I have had the opportunity to develop rewarding client relationships across a broad range of industries.  Sample clients: Federal Reserve Board, CGI, Panasonic, CIT, National Institutes of Health, Health Resources & Services Administration, Department of Homeland Security, Booz, AARP Life Reimagined, Blackboard, VeriSign, Interpublic Group, Revlon, NYC Department of Health and Mental Hygiene, State of Maryland, and others.

For nine years. I served as an adjunct faculty member with Georgetown University’s Institute for Transformational Leadership. As a Learning Team Coach for the Executive Certificate in Organizational Consulting and Change Leadership, I facilitated group coaching with leaders and other professionals completing organizational effectiveness engagements with a broad array of organizations. I coached students on strategies for practically translating organization development and change leadership best practices into practical action with their clients. Coaching is also focused on gaining lessons learned from being part of a diverse team, navigating group and leadership dynamics, and learning the impact a leader and/or consultant has on organizational health.

As a personal coach, I partner with clients to support them in creating greater satisfaction and meaning in their lives. I call upon my training and experience as a Licensed Clinical Social Worker, and while personal coaching is not therapy, I greatly value the intensive training in human behavior and group dynamics that I am able to contribute to my clients. This allows me to help clients look at root causes – no quick fixes that won’t last.

Whether it is leadership or personal coaching, my aim is to help you sort through the clutter to get to heart of the matter.  By asking thought-provoking questions and offering practical, real-world insights, I will act as a “thinking partner” with you so you can leverage your strengths and develop targeted strategies that drive meaningful results.  

I am told that I am deeply committed, highly intuitive, and that I balance being an empathic communicator with straight talk. I value that feedback. It’s my goal to balance supporting you and challenging you so you create and sustain the change that matters most.

Coaching Services

Coaching is available in-person and by video-conference.

Executive Coaching:

Executive and Leadership Coaching: Together we will develop highly personalized strategies to enhance your performance in the context of your organization's objectives, your role and your individual leadership objectives. We will identify what fuels you to take action and how best to capitalize on that energy. Sample areas of focus include: leading change, developing talent, first 90 days on-boarding, emotional intelligence, relationship management, 360° feedback, navigating organizational dynamics, leadership transitions, and more.

Emerging Leader Coaching:  I coach emerging leaders, sometimes referred to as "high potential" employees.  Together we identify your standout strengths, explore ways to maximize your strengths, and develop strategies to overcome any potential derailers to your career growth. When appropriate, I facilitate joint sessions with your manager and you to develop targeted goals and track your progress against plan to ensure you are aligned and headed in the direction critical for your professional growth.

Pairs Coaching:  I skillfully facilitate coaching between two individuals on a team, to include manager-to-direct report or peer-to-peer relationships. I have a strong track record of supporting clients to develop enhanced working relationships critical for increasing engagement and producing results.  

Group Coaching:  I coach small groups of leaders in developing their leadership skills through action learning techniques, peer feedback, and individual development through the group dynamics experience.

personal Coaching:

Together we will create an action plan that will inspire you to begin making the changes in your life that you believe will create a greater sense of fulfillment and meaning.  We will explore what gives you a sense of purpose, passion and energy. Sample areas of focus may include: enhancing personal relationships, managing priorities, breaking out of habits that hold you back, stress management, navigating challenging life transitions, taking action to live your passions and purpose, and more.


Together we will create an action plan that will begin with identifying your long term and near term career aspirations.  We will explore the career possibilities that are most compelling to you and start a structured plan of action to move in the direction you prioritize.  Samples areas of focus may include: advancing in your current organization, exploring roles outside of your organization, on-boarding into a new role and more.  We can also leverage various assessments as a means of gaining additional feedback on what energizes you professionally. Mock interviewing coaching is often a robust and pivotal learning experience.

Facilitation Services:

I have over 25 years of experience designing and facilitating custom workshops for organizations. Sample workshops include: Coaching for High Performance, Leading Change, Managing Priorities, Moving from Blame to Accountability, and more.  I also facilitate workshops based on other experts' work such as Immunity to Change, Building Trusted Relationships, Myers Briggs Type Indicator (personality preferences), Herrmann Brain Dominance Instrument (thinking styles) and more.

Team Performance Consulting Services:

I work with teams on assessing what strengths are contributing to their success and where there are performance gaps and opportunities for development.  Each team's unique goals are considered when designing a custom assessment, but in general the process is one of partnering closely with the leader(s) on conducting a team performance assessment which often looks at the team's performance as it relates to achieving the vision and strategy, having clear and engaging roles, having access to tools necessary to be successful, having a structure that supports the work, cultivating a culture that engages the team's potential and creativity, team well-being, and more. I use interviewing, focus groups and surveys to gather feedback. The assessment is shared with the team and next step priorities and accountabilities are agreed upon.


  • Executive Certificate in Organizational Development & Change Management, Georgetown University

  • Masters in Clinical Social Work, University of Maryland at Baltimore

  • Bachelor of Arts in Psychology, George Washington University

Certifications and Licenses

  • International Coach Federation Professional Certified Coach (PCC)

  • Certified Strengths Coach - Gallup

  • Resilient Leadership Certified Coach – Resilient Leadership – James Moyer and Robert Duggan

  • Trauma Informed Professional Coach -Lodestar

  • Certified Immunity-to-Change Process Facilitator, Harvard University

  • Herrmann Brain Dominance Indicator Certified Facilitator, Herrmann International

  • Myers Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) Qualified Facilitator, OKA Associates

  • Drexler-Sibbet Team Performance Certified Team builder, Alan Drexler

  • Certified Benchmarks Facilitator (360° assessment) - Center for Creative Leadership

  • Influence Style Indicator Certified Practitioner , Multi-Health Systems Inc. (MHS)

  • Change Style Indicator and Change Navigator Certified Practitioner, Multi-Health Systems Inc. (MHS)

  • Anti-Defamation League Certified “World of a Difference” Diversity Trainer

  • Licensed Clinical Social Worker – LCSW-C

  • Year of Living Mindfully Program Graduate, Insight Meditation of Washington-Jonathan Foust

  • On-going self-study and participation in mindfulness based practices, focusing, embodied leadership, purpose at work, and positive psychology